

Alcohol free alternatives

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Non-alcoholic Danish Copenhagen Sparkling Tea and German Van Nahmen Sparkling Teas have been on our bestseller lists for some time. Perhaps now is the time to taste and discover new flavours?

‘Copenhagen Sparkling Tea’ is the world's first sparkling tea made by blending 8-12 premium organic teas. It is poured by Michelin-starred restaurants around the world.

‘Van Nahmen’ is a German producer of premium organic juices. It also makes sparkling juices, which are very similar to white, rosé and red wine, and sparkling teas with juice.

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Non-alcoholic sparkling drinks, such as sparkling tea, are becoming increasingly popular as consumers look for healthier alternatives to alcoholic drinks. Sparkling teas are characterised by their elegance, sophistication and the voluminous mouthfeel of wine. They are not sweet and therefore go well with food. 

Types of tea and their influence

Sparkling tea can be made from a variety of teas, with the addition of flavouring or fruit juices. Each type of tea gives the beverage a different flavour and character. For example, green tea gives a fresh and delicate taste with subtle herbal tones, while black tea can have richer, more intense flavours with fruity and floral aromas.

Main producers

The inventor and first producer of sparkling tea as a category is Copenhagen Sparkling Tea. This Danish company develops high quality sparkling beverages from organic teas, combining 9-12 different varieties in each beverage: Darjeeling, Silver Needle, Pu-Ehr, Japanese green, Chinese black and various herbs. Copenhagen Sparkling Tea has elegance and sophistication and can be a great alternative to alcoholic beverages for both festive and everyday occasions.