

Mascaró gin 9 0,7 L

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Mascaró gin 9 0,7 L



Ispaniškas džinas gaminamas iš grūdų distiliato ir kadagio uogų, augančių kalnuose netoli Vilafranca (Penedeso regiono sostinė) miesto. Tai London Dry stiliaus džinas.

Džinas pasižymi stipriu aromatu, kuriame dominuoja kadagiai, bei citrusinių vaisių natos. Burnoje - sodrus, prieskoniškas, su subtiliomis Viduramžio jūros kadagio užuominomis. Ilgas, malonus, rafinuotas poskonis, su juodojo pipiro natomis. 

Idealiai tiks į klasikinius kokteilius, mėgautis vienu ar su ledukais. Tiekti 16 - 18 ºC.

About brand

Three generations the Mascaro family has been dedicated to the production of distillates, cavas and wines of high quality, with a clear vocation to unite tradition and modernity. Gathering up the legacy of our ancestors and bringing new creativity and renovation, in Mascaro we believe that the essence of a product is in its origin. That is the reason why all Mascaro wines and cavas come from our own vineyards at “Mas Miquel, registered in the DO Penedès and DO Cava, which allows us to control the entire production process and guarantee the high quality of the final product. Our mission for the highest quality products has led us to become masters of distillation, carefully producing distillates and spirits (brandies, gin, orange liqueur, etc.) with natural products and a unique personality. Mascaro cellars and winery are located in Vilafranca, 48 km from Barcelona. This is the perfect setting for the development of our spirits, wines and cavas since 1946.

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