

  • James Suckling

    92 / 100

  • Robert Parkers Wine Advocate

    92 / 100

  • Wine spectator

    92 / 100

  • Wine & Spirits

    92 / 100

  • Wine Enthusiast

    91 / 100

Champagne Pol Roger Brut Reserve 12L

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Champagne Pol Roger Brut Reserve 12L



Šampano antroji ferementacija vykdoma gana žemoje -9,5 ° C temperatūroje ir ilgesnį nei įprasta NV laiką - apie 3 metus, ko pasekoje gaunami labai smulkūs burbuliukai, minkštos putos ir gilūs bei sudėtingi aromatai.

Švelnios aukso spalvos; bičių vaško, citrinžolių, žalio obuolio aromatų, burnoje - kremiškas, traškus, puikaus subalanso, darnus.


Tiekti 6-8 °C temperatūros aperityvui,  jūros gėrybių, keptų grybų; minkštų kiaušinių su permezanu bei skrudinta duonele apgaubta rūkyta lašiša; glazūruotų burokėlių su duonele apkepta buratos sūriu.


92 / 100

James Suckling

A complex, reliable Champagne that would show well in all occasions thanks to its freshness and class. Drawing on all three grapes (chardonnay, pinot noir and pinot meunier), this has a complex grilled-nut and autolysis character overlayed across red berries and citrus fruits. Definitely a lot of reserve wine character here. The palate delivers lemons, grapefruit, peaches and mangoes in a refreshingly pure, fleshy style. The bright acidity, handy balance and tannins smoothly frame the finish. Drink now.

92 / 100

Robert Parkers Wine Advocate

Straw yellow and with a golden hue in color, the Pol Roger NV Réserve Brut displays a brilliant, perfectly ripe but also fresh, highly elegant and refined fruit aroma on the nose; think of cooked pip fruits like pears and apples, but also quince-confiture and yellow stone fruits, such as apricots and peaches intermixed with vanilla, brioche (pain aux raisins), some nutty flavors and also some white floral notes. On the palate, this medium-bodied Brut is as round (if not pretty sweet) and fruit-driven as it is delicate, pure and very elegant. The mousse is deliciously fine and leads this charming and perfectly balanced fizz to a long, aromatic, stunningly dry and slightly mineral, impressively long finish. This is extremely well done Champagne from equal parts of Pinot Noir, Meunier and Chardonnay sourced in 30 different crus. This Réserve includes 25% of reserve wines and was dosed with nine grams per liter.

92 / 100

Wine spectator

An elegant Champagne, with a smoky, minerally underpinning and subtle flavors of poached pear, toast, candied lemon zest and ginger riding the finely detailed bead. Harmonious, and hard to stop sipping. Drink now through 2020

91 / 100

Wine Enthusiast

With some bottle age, this nonvintage wine is beautifully integrated. Crispness accompanies a rounder, riper character, with green plum and lemon flavors cut by sliced apple and acidity. The blend brings together the three Champagne grapes in equal measure and reflects that in its well-balanced aftertaste

92 / 100

Wine & Spirits

A great disgorgement of Pol Roger’s basic Brut, a blend that includes 25 percent reserve wines, this is a gracious, red-fruited Champagne. Though the wines go through malolactic, this emphasizes freshness, with a tingle of ginger and mineral acidity lifting the flavors in the finish

Apie gamintoją

Išskirtinumas ir elegancija - du žodžiai, geriausiai apibūdinantys Pol Roger šampano namus, tad nenuostabu, jog šių namų gėrimas buvo Vinstono Čerčilio, kurio vardu pavadintas gamintojo "prestige cuvee", favoritas. Daugiau nei 150 metų gyvuojantys šampano namai, yra nepriklausomi ir valdomi tos pačios Roger šeimos, kuri iš kartos į kartą stengiasi gaminti šampaną, kurio kiekvienas butelis tampa šių šampano namų ambasadoriumi. To siekdami Roger šeimos nariai patys atrenka patikimus vynuogių augintojus bei vynuoges, kurias iš jų perka, ir aktyviai dalyvauja šampano gamybos procese.

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