Niepoort vyno etiketės - svarbiausia taisyklė, nepaisyti taisyklių!
Paskelbta: 2020-05-18
VYNO KLUBO etiketės konkurso dalyviai:
Aurelija Kairytė-Smolianskienė
Barbora Narkevičiūtė
Gabrielė Jurkutė
CovidNotCool Dali
Snap Frida
Lana Moloko
Ignas Borovojus
Rūta Adomaitiene
Raimonda Tam
Erikas Ankudavičius
Solveiga Gutautė
Niepoort Vinhos lentynose išsiskiria vyno etikemis. Vien iš šių etikečių būtų galima atidaryti visą parodą!
Šį kartą Niepoort Vinhos kviečia mus visus kurti naują vyno etiketę. Daugiau informacijos apie konkurso sąlygas, čia:
1. The “NatCool @ Art by Niepoort” competition is an initiative of the company Niepoort
Vinhos S.A. that aims to stimulate the participation of all in the graphic and artistic
intervention on the label of the DrinkMe / NatCool wine.
2. The property content related to copyright is guaranteed.
3. However, the participating authors will give prior agreement to the dicussion of their
proposals for promotional purposes of the Niepoort’s brand, without time limit.
4. The participation in the present competition, considered from the moment of reception
of one or more proposals, will imply the full acceptance and without reserve of the
conditions previewed by this regulation, as well as the permission concerning the
collection, the register and the processing of personal data provided as part of the
1. The “NatCool @ Art by Niepoort” competition:
a) is addressed to everyone, Portuguese or foreign citizens, residing in Portugal or not,
individuals or companies, older than 18 years of age;
b) Niepoort’s workers (m/f) or collaborators (m/f) will not be allowed to participate, as
well as members of the jury, as well as spouses, equivalent, and their ascending and
descending relatives;
c) the proposals can be presented in an individual or collective (co-authorship) way, each
candidate given the possibility to submit up to 3 proposals.
2. Candidates are responsible for the originality of their presented proposal/s, assuring
their authorship and, thereby, assuming all the responsibility for eventual complaints from
third parties concerning copyright.
1. Graphic interventions on the label:
a) must necessarily be innovative and original;
b) can be developed in two ways: on the label of the original bottle, that should be
intervened and photographed; on the image of the bottle, available for download;
c) can use any technique, manual or digital;
d) cannot contain any identifying feature of its author/s (m/f), nor any reference to brands
or logos.
1. The submission of proposals shall be digitally addressed to the
email [email protected] through photography or scanning in a pdf or jpg format
(50MB maximum), A4 dimension (21 x 29,7 cm) and a 300dpi resolution.
2. In the body of the email, fill the following fields:
a) name
b) email
c) mobile phone/telephone
d) country
e) nationality
f) brief overview of the proposal
g) used technique/s
3. Any proposal which does not meet the two previous points or that is submitted in a date
beyond the deadline will not be considered.
1. Calendar of the competition:
a) final deadline for submission of proposals: until 11:59 PM hours (Greenwich / Portugal
Time), of the 31st of May 2020;
b) final deadline for the public dissemination of the winning propostals: until the 12th of
June 2020.
2. The winner of the “NatCool @ Art by Niepoort” competition will be informed through
email and/or telephone.
1. The competition integrates the following phases:
Phase 1: verification of the submitted proposals and exclusion of the proposals that do not
meet the present regulation;
Phase 2: evaluation of the proposals by the announced jury;
Phase 3: communication of the result(s) to the winner;
Phase 4: communication of the result(s) to the public and to all the competitors.
1. The winning proposal will have its design in the label of the NatCool limited edition and
will receive a set of Niepoort wines valued at EUR 500 (five hundred Euros).
2. The award cannot be exchanged nor converted into cash.
3. The award ceremony is hosted by the event’s organization.
1. Proposals are numbered and selected anonymously, without any identifying feature of
its authors (m/f).
2. The Jury evaluating the proposals will take into consideration the following factors:
a) the originality and the creativity of the proposal;
b) the legibility and the adaptability of the proposal;
c) the communication of the NatCool’s spirit.
3. The jury is composed by:
Eduardo Dirk Niepoort (chairman)
Daniel Niepoort (representing the Niepoort’s brand)
Tiago Dias da Silva (Niepoort’s marketeer)
Francisco Providência (designer and Professor at the University of Aveiro)
João Noutel (artist)
4. The decisions of the competition jury will be taken by majority, without the possibility of
1. Doubts concerning the intrepretation of the present regulation should be submitted to
the following email: [email protected]
2. The resolution of doubts concerning the present regulation, as well as of missing
situations, is under the full responsibility of Niepoort, that will ensure their promotion
through the most convenient means.
2 konkurso dalis
Siekdami skatinti Lietuvos menininkų dalyvavimą šiame konkurse, kviečiame savo darbus išsiųsti ne ti Niepoort Vinhos, bet ir oficialiam šio vyno atstovui – Vyno klubo parduotuvei.
Visus dalyvaujančius kviečiame siųsti savo sukurtas vyno etiketes ir mums el. Paštu [email protected] iki 05.25 dienos.
Visi atsiuntę dalyvaus mūsų Facebook paskyroje sukurtame balsavime ir VK vyno ekspertų balsavime. ( FB balsai –50%, VK ekspertų balsai – 50%).
Vyno klubo įsteigtas prizas – 70 Eur (grynieji pinigai)
Raudonasis sausas
Niepoort Charme Douro DOC 2009 1,5 L
- Portugalija
- Duero slėnis/Douro DO
- Tinta Roriz
- Touriga Franca Air Kitos
- Taurus, gaivus, minerališkas raudonasis
- 1,5
Likerinis portas
Niepoort Tawny 10 Years old Porto DO
- Portugalija
- Duero slėnis/Porto
- Tinta Amarela
- Tinta Roriz
- Touriga Nacional
- ...
- 0,75
Likerinis portas
Niepoort Tawny Porto Douro DO 0,375 L
- Portugalija
- Duero slėnis/Porto
- Tinta Amarela
- Tinta Roriz
- Touriga Nacional
- ...
- Saldus, prieskoniškas, subrendęs rusvas pastiprintas
- 0,375 19,5%
Likerinis portas
Niepoort Vintage Douro DO 2003
- Portugalija
- Duero slėnis/Douro DO
- Tinta Amarela
- Tinta Francisca
- Tinto Cao
- ...
- Saldus, taurus, ilgaamžis raudonasis pastiprintas
- 0,75
Niepoort Redoma Branco 2018 Douro DO
- Portugalija
- Duero slėnis
- Donzelinho
- Viosinho
- Codega Do Larinho
- ...
- 0,75 11.5%