Raudonasis sausas
"Vilionė ir elegancija", - taip apibūdinamas šis vynas.Vynuogės šiam vynui skinamos nuo 60 metų vynmedžių, prieš tai lengvai pavytinus jas ant medžių, tad derlius yra labai mažas, bet koncentruotas. Vyninėje jos dar kartą perrenkamos ir švelniai spaudžiamos. Maceracija vykdoma nuo 2 iki 3 savaičių. Vynas fermentuojamas plieno talpose. Vėliau 9 mėnesius brandinamas. 50% brandinama naujose ir 50% antrą kartą naudojamose prancūziško ąžuolo statinėse bei dar 9 mėnesius butelyje. Sodrūs, prinokusių juodųjų serbentų, tabako, juodo šokolado, vyšnių džemo kvapai. Burnoje koncentruotas, intensyvus, švelnios rūgšties, glotnių taninų.
Tiekti 16-18 °C temperatūros prie keptos ant griliaus žvėrienos, jautienos kepsnių, raudonos mėsos troškinių su miško grybais. Brandžių sūrių.
A very intensely fruity wine with a layered profile, from sweet blackcurrants to smashed roses, black cherries and a whiff of spiciness. The palate is dry to off-dry, full-bodied, soft and smooth. It has a leesy drinkability for its lushness and moderate acidity. Polished yet warming finish. Drink or hold.
The adventure of Gianfranco Fino begins in 2004, with the search of the vineyard prefect, who had to have special characteristics and unique. The research finds its end almost immediately, with the purchase of a small vineyard of primitive than fifty years of around 2 hectares, larger then with the cultivation of additional land rented. Already this brief history would be enough to indent Gianfranco Fino the ranks of those growers linked to the traditions, eager to save the old vineyards and keep alive their specificity. His careful work and its great wines tell a thousand words: its Primitivo di Manduria is placed on an innovative area, which, while maintaining a traditional side traceable in the assembly of grapes from different vineyards, as is traditional in these parts, reveals a power and a body truly amazing. The most outstanding wines of Gianfranco Fino is in exemplary balance between structure, vein alcohol, acidity and flavor that make them significant and very important: in a word, great wines. Today the vineyards of Gianfranco Fino, located in the countryside of Manduria and Sava, small plots are fragmented, with red earth and rocks occasionally protruding. Crops are generally made from very old trees, flanked by recently planted an experimental vineyard. Primitivo Es is certainly not only the excellence of its production, but also the view Pugliese; It is a wine that definitely filled the vacuum regional production of past decades.