Rose wine dry
Vynas pagamintas iš vietinės Penedeso vynuogių veislės 'Xarel·lo Vermell', kuri buvo beveik pamiršta, tačiau paskutiniu metu vėl grįžta į vyno pasaulio dėmesį. Vynuogės atkeliauja iš ekologiškai prižiūrimų vynuogynų. Maceracija žemoje temperatūroje trunka 48 valandas siekiant išgauti subtilius aromatus ir lengvą rožinį atspalvį. Kaip ir dauguma rožinių vynų, fermentacija vyksta nerūdijančio plieno talpose, siekiant išsaugoti tyrus pirminius aromatus.
Gaivus, gėliškas rožinis vynas kvepia citrusais, sodo persikais ir braškėmis, viduržemio jūros pakrantėms būdingoms žolelėms, - rozmarinais bei pankoliu.
Tiekti 6-8° C temperatūros prie krevečių, marinuotų artišokų su parmezano drožlėmis, pomidorų su buratos sūriu.
Gramona’s history is long and storied and the property has been a quality reference point in the zone for decades. As far back as 1816 a member of the family has been making wine in the Penedes. 1921 marks the year when the Gramona name began to be put on bottles of "Cava Champagne". Today, the house is one of the few remaining family-owned estates in the region, with many having been bought by large companies. Gramona is located in the Penedes region of Spain just 45 minutes from Barcelona along Spain's Mediterranean coast. The Climate in the Penedes is mild and warm, benefiting mostly from a Mediterranean influence. However, as the differences in elevation are quite dramatic (with some vines at over 700 meters), there are many microclimates in the zone. Soil in the region is not particularly rich in organic material (as is often the case in great winemaking regions) with high levels of sand and clay. Gramona is, unfortunately, one of the last remaining family-owned cava houses of the Penedes. Here, elderly ladies from the village carefully wrap each bottle before being packed for transport and the entire operation is carried out by people who love the family and the estate. For the property, their reference points are in Champagne in France, and they regularly taste wines from this area next to their own (with often astonishing results). However, pricing remains very low compared to even the most mundane, negociant Champagnes on the market. These are some of the best values in our portfolio.