

Red wine dry

Graziano Prà Amarone Della Valpolicella DOCG 2017



 Galia ir elegancija - vyno savybės, kurios atsispindi etiketėje. Vynmedžiai auga Pleistoceno eros( paskutinio ledynmečio) sąnašiame dirvožemyje 450mvjl, vynuogyno ekspozicija - pietryčiai. Vynuogės 2 mėn. vytinamos, fermentacija ir malolaktinė fermentacija vyko 15 dienų nerūdijančio plieno talpose. Vėliau vynas 2 metus brandinamas didelėse ąžuolo talpose  ir standartinėse ąžuolo statinėse, dar vienus metus vynas brandinamas 20hl Atelier ąžuolo statinėse ir metus laikomas butelyje.

Serving recommendations

 Tiekti 16–18 °C prie žvėrienos troškinių, stipriai prieskoniais pagardintos jautienos, kietųjų sūrių, ypatingai "Parmigiano Reggiano".

About brand

Graziano Prà has been part of the company since the early 80s but it was his father and grandfather who sealed his fate as winemaker.Regions such as Monte Grande and Monte Bisson in Soave and Morandina in Valpolicella have risen to international fame thanks to him; small esteemed Crus located in strong viticulture areas.The principles that have shaped his story are quintessence and respect for the land. Purity is a key word to describe Graziano wines. He is still in charge of winemaking decisions and, in the wine cellar, he prefers the exaltation of the fruit. Research and innovation are inspired by the enhancement of the high quality of grapes coming from the field. From the beginning, his production choice to only use local vine varieties reflects Graziano’s strong belief in the potential quality of local grapes and for the enhancement of the territory.

Azienda Agricola di Graziano Prà

Azienda Agricola di Graziano Prà

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