

Graziano Prà OTTO Soave Classico DOC 2023

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White wine dry

Graziano Prà OTTO Soave Classico DOC 2023



Šiam vynui pagaminti uogos skinamos nuo senų, daugiau nei 30-60 m. senumo, vynmedžių. Kruopščiai atrinktų vynuogių misos fermentacija vyksta nerūdijančio plieno statinėse. Fermentacijos metu palaikoma 16°C – 18°C temperatūra. Brandinimas tęsiamas tose pačiose talpose.

Vyno spalva - citrinos geltonumo. Aromate dominuoja baltažiedės gėlės, persikai, abrikosai ir obuoliai. Skonyje juntami kaulavaisiai - obuoliai, persikai, o ilgai išliekančiame poskonyje - lazdyno riešutai ir minerališkumas.

Serving recommendations

Patiekti 8-10 °C temperatūros kaip aperityvą, prie makaronų, rizoto su šparagais, cukinijų apkepo, daržovių sriubų.

About brand

Graziano Prà has been part of the company since the early 80s but it was his father and grandfather who sealed his fate as winemaker.Regions such as Monte Grande and Monte Bisson in Soave and Morandina in Valpolicella have risen to international fame thanks to him; small esteemed Crus located in strong viticulture areas.The principles that have shaped his story are quintessence and respect for the land. Purity is a key word to describe Graziano wines. He is still in charge of winemaking decisions and, in the wine cellar, he prefers the exaltation of the fruit. Research and innovation are inspired by the enhancement of the high quality of grapes coming from the field. From the beginning, his production choice to only use local vine varieties reflects Graziano’s strong belief in the potential quality of local grapes and for the enhancement of the territory.

Azienda Agricola di Graziano Prà

Azienda Agricola di Graziano Prà

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