

Leone de Castris 50 Vendemmia Rosso Riserva Salice Salentino  DOC 2019 1,5L

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Red wine dry

Leone de Castris 50 Vendemmia Rosso Riserva Salice Salentino DOC 2019 1,5L



Salice gaminamas nuo 1954 m., norėdami atžymėti šį istorinį vyną, nuo 2004 m. derliaus etiketėje yra užrašas 50-asis derlius. Vynmedžių amžius apie 50 metų, maceracija vykdyta reguliuojamoje temperatūroje (20-22°C) 8-12 dienų, vynas 12 mėn. brandintas 30hl ąžuolo statinėse.
Gervuogių, juodųjų vyšnių, baziliko natos ir saldūs prieskoniai daro vyną turtingą, subalansuotą, švelnių taninių. Ilgo poskonio.

Likutinis cukraus kiekis vyne - 4,85g/l

Serving recommendations

Tiekti 18 -20 °C prie troškintos jautienos uodegų su slyvomis, pastos su mėsos ir miško grybų padažu, ant griliaus keptų žvėrienos dešrelių, brandesnių sūrių.

About brand

Salice Salentino, a small village in Salento rich in vineyards and olive trees, is the landscape giving life to Leone de Castris’ wine tradition.He began to plant new vines, olive trees and wheat along 5 thousand hectares‘ properties, not only in Salice, but also in Guagnano, Veglie, Villa Baldassarri, Novoli and San Pancrazio.The production of Five Roses, in fact, began during the end of the Second World War, thanks to the initiative and boldness of Don Piero. He had his wine tasted by the American General Charles Poletti, Supply Officer of the Allied Forces. It was a success and from then on Five Roses has been our most important wine, traditionally speaking, and the first one making our company know, together with Salento, all over the world. The name “Five Roses” derives from a “contrada” belonging to the family, so called because for several generations each de Castris had 5 children.New vines have been planted over the years: Chardonnay and Sauvignon, going together with the traditional ones: Negroamaro, Malvasia nera, Verdeca, Moscato, Aleatico, Primitivo.The Winery’s production is very rich: red, white and rosé DOC wines (Salice Salentino, Locorotondo, Copertino, Primitivo di Manduria), interesting IGT Salento and Puglia wines, sparkling rosé and white wines.The entire selection is quite often awarded with prestigious recognitions and our products are present not only in European markets, but also in USA, Canada, Brasile, Autralia, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, etc.The Winery is enriched by a huge Museum where the guests can travel through the three centuries of company’s history. There is also an elegant hotel & restaurant, “Villa Donna Lisa”, provided with a nice swimming pool and garden. The newest facility is a cosy and well designed wine bar situated on front of the Winery, named ‘ Five Roses Club 1943’ and dedicated to the legendary first rosé wine to be bottled in Italy.

Leone de Castris

Leone de Castris

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