Red wine dry
Vynas su mažesniu sulfitų kiekiu, nefiltruotas, daromas iš 70 metų vynmedžių uogų, augančių dirvoje, kurioje gausu granito. Pusiau karboninė maceracija ir spontaninė fermentacija nerūdijančio metalo talpose truko 10-20 dienų. Vynas 9 mėn. brandintas ąžuolo statinėse.Vaisiškas, vyšnių, žibuoklių, miško gaivos, balzamiko aromatų. Puikus rūgšties ir vaisiškumo balansas, minerališkas saldymedžio poskonis.
Tiekti 12 - 14 °C prie šaltų mėsos užkandžių, pastos su mėsos padažu.
The methods at Lapierre are just as revolutionary as they are traditional; the detail and precision with which they work is striking and entirely different from the mass-produced majority of Beaujolais on the market today. Decomposed granite comprises most of their eleven hectares, and the vines are an average of 45 years of age. Grapes are picked at the last possible moment to obtain the ripest fruit, which is a trademark of the estate style. The Lapierres age their wines on fine lees for at least nine months in oak foudres and fûts ranging from three to thirteen years old. These wines are the essence of Morgon: bright, fleshy fruit with a palatable joie de vivre that was undoubtedly inherited from their creator. In the words of KLWM salesperson Sam Imel, “They are meant to be devoured.”