

  • James Suckling

    93 / 100

Niepoort Pinot Noir Duriense VR 2021

The actual product may vary from the images shown on the website.

Red wine dry

Niepoort Pinot Noir Duriense VR 2021



Šviesus, traškus, trapus, lengvas vynas kupinas šviežių vyšnių ir gėlių aromatų. Vidutinio kūno, aukštesnio rūgštingumo.


Serving recommendations

Tiekti 12-14°C prie laukinės paukštienos, skrudintos antienos, plėšytos antienos su bulvėmis, ant grotelių skrudintų plonos kiaulienos šoninės juostelių su anyžiumi, kepto tuno


93 / 100

James Suckling

Bright, crunchy and zesty with fresh cherries and flowers. Medium-bodied. Red-fruited with a spicy edge to it. Bright and vivid with a floral finish. Crisp and light. Vivid pinot. Drink now.

About brand

Niepoort is an independent family business since 1842. Through five generations, the business passed successfully from one Niepoort to the next Niepoort and in most cases older and younger generation worked side by side for a long period. At this time, we are enthusiastically looking forward to the future sixth generation, anticipating close collaboration

Niepoort S.A.

Niepoort S.A.

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