

  • Robert Parker

    91 / 100

Produttori del Barbaresco Nebbiolo Langhe DOC 2022

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Red wine dry

Produttori del Barbaresco Nebbiolo Langhe DOC 2022



Vynuogynas auga molio ir kalkakmenio dirvožemyje. Fermentacija vykdyta cementinėse talpose, palaikant 28°C temperatūrą. Maceracija -20 dienų, vykdyta malolaktinė fermentacija. Vynas 5 mėn. brandintas didelėse ąžuolo statinėse.

Rubino spalvos vynas kvepia baltaisiais piprais, juodąja arbata, anyžiais, mentoliu, džiovintomis spanguolėmis, slyvomis. Subalansuotas, žvalus, pilnas, ilgo poskonio.

Vyno brandinimo potencialas 5-8 metai.

Serving recommendations

Tiekti 16–18 °C prie farširuotų baklažanų, salotų su ančiuviais, daržovių salotų su rūkyta antiena, vytintų kumpių, pastos su trumais.


91 / 100

Robert Parker

Here's a pretty little surprise from Produttori del Barbaresco. The 2022 Langhe Nebbiolo is slender and streamlined in consistency, but it remains surprisingly focused throughout. It shows raisiny flavors of prune and dried fig. The effect is delineated and sharp. The wine is generous, and it offers a lot of bright energy as well, within the context of hot-vintage fruit.

About brand

Produttori del Barbaresco, founded in 1958, now has 51 members and controls more than 100 hectares of premium Nebbiolo vineyards in Barbaresco. Each family is in full control of its land, growing Nebbiolo grapes with centuries old skill and dedication. The vinery produces a Barbaresco DOCG, a blend of Nebbiolo grapes harvested from different vineyards, and a simpler Nebbiolo Langhe suited for earlier consumption. In great vintages, nine single-vineyard Barbarescos are produced from nine classic premium sites within the Barbaresco village boundaries: Asili, Rabajà, Pora, Montestefano, Ovello, Pajè, Montefico, Muncagota, and Rio Sordo. These are the geographical names of sites where Nebbiolo grapes have always been cultivated. The name of the single-vineyards, the total number of bottles produced, and the name of the owners of the vineyards are marked on the labels. Produttori del Barbaresco, which vinifies only Nebbiolo grapes, produce around 550 000 bottles per year. In a good vintage they are divided among Barbaresco (50%), single vineyard Barbarescos (30%) and Nebbiolo Langhe (20%).

Produttori del Barbaresco s.a.c.

Produttori del Barbaresco s.a.c.

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