

  • James Suckling

    99 / 100

Ridge Monte Bello Cabernet Sauvignon 2019

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Red wine dry

Ridge Monte Bello Cabernet Sauvignon 2019



Derlius skintas rankomis. Fermentacijos metu naudotos vietinėa kultūros mielės. Vynas 16 mėn. brandinamas naujose ąžuolo statinėse (kurios iš jų: 97% amerikietiško, 3% prancūziško). 

Laukinių gervuogių, mėlynių, kadagio, kedro, žibuoklių ir juodųjų alyvuogių, saldymedžio aromatų. Vidutinio svarumo, gaivios rūgšties, ilgo minerališko poskonio.

Vyno brandinimo butelyje potencialas 15 -30 metų.


99 / 100

James Suckling

About brand

Though born in the early sixties (In 1962, Ridge made its first Monte Bello, two years later - Zinfandel) to the post-Prohibition world of modern California winemaking, Ridge relies on nature and tradition rather than technology. Our pre-industrial approach is straightforward: find intense, flavorful grapes; intrude upon the process only when necessary; draw the fruit’s distinctive character and richness into the wine.Interestingly, Monte Bello has often been called America’s First Growth, as it is the finest domestic example of a classic Bordeaux blend in which cabernet sauvignon predominates.

Ridge Vineyards

Ridge Vineyards

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