

  • EKO
Ampeleia Rosso Toscana IGT 2019

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Red wine dry

Ampeleia Rosso Toscana IGT 2019



Vynas skaniai gaivus, gėlėtas, vaisiškas, šilkinių taninų, ryškios rūgšties. Elegantiškas ir elastingas.Mėlynės, spanguolės, citrinos, pušų spygliai, gvazdikėliai ir šviežios gėlės juntamos aromate. Vynas 6 mėnesius brandintas betoninėse talpyklose ir 6 mėnesius ąžuolo statinėse.  Nefiltruotas.

Serving recommendations

Tiekti 14-16 °C prie mėsos troškinių su daržovėmis ir miško grybais, tuno tartaro, troškintos antienos, pomidorų ir čiorizo dešros troškinio

About brand

Ampeleia was established in 2002, the year in which Marco Tait, young and impulsive at the time, answered the call of the current owners, Elisabetta Foradori and Giovanni Podini, to take charge of the first harvest, without being fully aware of what he was getting involved in. Marco, fresh out of oenology and viticulture school, had been enchanted by the call of the Maremma and he and Elisabetta had known each other for a while. Ampeleia is wine, of course. But it is also wheat and oil. It is vineyard, but also vegetable garden and olive groves. It is people, but also animals. It is high and it is low, it is small and it is large. It is work and opportunity for both professional and personal growth.

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