White wine dry
Puiki trijų vynuogių vynuogių veislių sąjunga: Furmint (85%) dalinasi rūgštimi ir svarumu, Kabar (8%) indėlis - aromatai, Hárslevelű (7%)- aštrumas, visa tai sudaro puikią vyno vienybę. 80% vyno 3 mėn. brandinta nerūdijančio metalo talpose, 20% ąžuolo statinėse. Gaivus ir svarus, švelnios rūgšties, pikantiškų prieskoninių žolelių aromatų.
Patiekite 8-10 ºC prie paukštienos ar žuvies patiekalų.
Chateau Dereszla is steeped in rich history when the first mention of the name occurred in 1406 as a storage cellar of wines collected for tax levies for the then king of Hungary. The estate changed hands for many centuries as it moved from Hungarian to Turkish to Austrian rulers until 1945. After WW II, it became part of a Hungarian Cooperative. At the turn of the century, in 2000, the estate was purchased by the French d’Aulan family who quickly modernized and streamlined production to create world-renowned wines. Under this French ownership, the Chateau achieved international recognition and became renowned for their Tokaji Aszu wines. Modernization continued the evolution of the estate and it reached an important milestone when, in 2016, it became once again under Hungarian ownership.