Red wine dry
Tai vynas, oficialiai pradėjęs „Braida“ istoriją: pirmosios vynuogės, naudojamos šiam vynui gaminti, buvo užaugintos vynuogyne, priklausančiame močiutei Caterinai, o senelis kreida ant „gyvos“ Barberos statinės užrašė žodžius „La Monella“. Vynas visuomet daromas tik iš jaunų vynmedžių uogų,yra gyvas ir niekada nepasikeitė, tiesiog yra tobulas savo pirminiu paprastumu.
Tai lengvai putojantis raudonasis vynas.
Vynuogių sultys fermentuotos nerūdijančio plieno talpose. Maceracijos procesas truko 10 dienų. Pasibaigus fermentacijai, vynas tose pačiose talpose brandintas 4 mėn. Vėliau, vynas 2 mėn. papildomai brandintas butelyje.
Žvilgančios rubino spalvos vynas pasižymi gaiviu, ką tik prisirpusių, raudonųjų uogų aromatu. Burnoje juntami lengvi burbuliukai ir gaivumo pojūtį suteikianti, vaisiška rūgštis.
Patiekti 16-18 °C temperatūros prie daržovių troškinių(vynuogė puikiai dera su pomidorais),skrudintos kiaulienos, pastos su mėsos padažu, picų su mėsa/tunu, moliuskų.
The winery's story begins with the nickname "Braida", a name acquired by Giuseppe Bologna who played "fistball", a traditional Piedmont sport, on town and church squares. Giuseppe "Braida" Bologna, a wheelwright by profession, owned a large Barbera vineyard in Rocchetta Tanaro and produced wine for his own and the friend’s consumption. His son Giacomo inherited the vineyard as well as the nickname, which he gave to the winery. Thanks to Giacomo Bologna’s incredible personality and his love for the land, wine and life, he finally achieved his goal of producing superb Barbera at Rocchetta Tanaro. The Barbera grape which was traditionally vinified into a simple acidic wine was thereby lifted to a wine of world-class.In recent years, "Braida" has expanded and grown, still faithful to the philosophy of Giacomo and Anna Bologna and to their way of understanding life, land, wine and friendships. In 1990, after Giacomo’s premature death, Anna and her children Raffaella and Giuseppe (nicknamed Beppe) carried on and concluded the projects he had initiated. Since the early year 2010 the winery is run by Raffaella and Giuseppe Bologna, representing the third generation of winemakers on the "Braida" winery. Raffaella is responsible for sales and marketing, while Beppe is in charge of the wine making and managing the agricultural part. Wine is their life. They enthusiastically champion wine, its culture and the land on which it grows. This love has also conquered their partners who have become active members of the family: Cristina, Beppe's wife and mother of Greta and Giacomo, works in administration, while Raffaella’s husband, Norbert Reinisch-Bologna, an Austrian doctor, is Braida's export director. Decisions about important projects and investments are always taken jointly, endeavoring to produce high quality wine and supported by a motivated team that tackles daily tasks with energy and enthusiasm.