

Massaya Terrasses de Baalbeck Beqaa Valley Lebanon 2021

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Red wine dry

Massaya Terrasses de Baalbeck Beqaa Valley Lebanon 2021



20 metų vynmedžiai auga Libano kalnų papėdėje, 1000m virš jūros lygio.Dirvožemis - kalkingas molis. Vynuogės renkamos rankomis.

Vynas 20-22 mėn. brandintas didelėse 300hl ąžuolo talpose, po to 2 metus laikytas butelyje.

Saldžiojo tabako, kvapniųjų pipirų, vytintos mėsos, šalavijų, saldymedžio, datulių aromatų. Burnoje elegantiškas, svarus, ilgo prieskoniško poskonio.

Serving recommendations

Tiekti 16-18 °C  prie jautienos didkepsnių, troškintos žvėrienos, kietųjų sūrių.

About brand

Massaya is the essence of modern-day Lebanon. Through the quality of our wines, the native flavors of our food and the warmth of our hospitality, we deliver a message of refinement, happiness and welcome. At Massaya, we have made it our goal to be heirs of these pioneers of the Mediterranean and makers of wine. We are building on tradition with a commitment to a brand that carries the good name of Lebanon to the world. We rely on our honesty and integrity to achieve our aims. We commit to being industrious and self-sufficient, and we value team spirit among our staff. Raising the quality standard is an ongoing crusade and we encourage the creativity of everyone who works for us. Nature is sacred to us. We are doing all that we can to reverse the environmental abuses of past generations and to bring new life to land that has been neglected. Through the quality of our products and the reputation of our brand, we hope to emphasize the very joyful, creative and hospital side of Lebanon. We are always open, transparent, and pleased to welcome visitors to our wineries in the Beqaa and at Faqra. We believe that wine, arak, and food can help spread the word that Lebanon’s true spirit is one of tolerance and coexistence.

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