

  • Robert Parker

    95 / 100

  • Wine Spectator

    92 / 100

Petrolo Galatrona Val d'Arno di Sopra DOC 2017

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Petrolo Galatrona Val d'Arno di Sopra DOC 2017



Vynas daromas iš atskiro Galatrona vynuogyno. Bordo klonai pasodinti 80/90 metais dirvožemyje, kuriame gausu molio, smiltainio, kalkalmenio, skalūnų. Vynuogių sultys fermentuotos cementinėse talpose, kartu su natūraliomis mielių kultūromis. Pasibaigus alkoholinei fermentacijai, vynas perkeltas į prancūziško ąžuolo statines, kuriose brandintas 18 mėn. Taip pat, brandinimo metu įvyko spontaninis malolaktinis virsmas. 

Raudonųjų slyvų, trešnių, figų, kedro, šokolado, lauro lapų, iriso aromatų.Sodraus ir tuo pačiu elegantiško, subalansuoto stiliaus vynas. 


Patiekti 16-18 °C temperatūros prie jautienos, avienos kepsnių, troškintos jautienos vyno padaže/ su miško grybais.


92 / 100

Wine Spectator

ffers ripe red fruit flavors of cherry, raspberry and a touch of blackberry, with the wood still present and flashes of milk chocolate, vanilla and spice. Rich and dense, with assertive tannins that need to be resolved. Non-blind Petrolo Galatrona vertical (November 2021). Best from 2025 through 2043. 3,000 cases made, 200 cases imported.

95 / 100

Robert Parker

Despite the hardships of the vintage, Luca Sanjust and the team at Petrolo poured all their focus and attention into creating this wine. The 2017 Galatrona shows a hot-vintage interpretation of Merlot that never feels too ripe or heavy. Instead, this wine ushers forth a remarkable succession of balsam herb-like aromas with Mediterranean shrub, rosemary essence and wild sage. Those garden-fresh aromas accompany the dark blackberry fruit that gives this wine its important center of gravity. The Merlot harvest came two weeks early in 2017, and yields were greatly reduced. I am suggesting a slightly shorter drinking window for the 2017 vintage compared to the cellar-worthy 2016 edition.

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