Red wine dry
Tankių taninų, subalansuotas, kompleksiškas, pikantiškas vynas daromas iš atskiro Le Caggiole vynuogyno. Vynmedžiai auga 350mvjl, rytiniame šlaite, tufo, kuriame yra apie 15% molio dirvožemyje. Vynuogės renkamos rankomis. Vyno fermentacija ir maceracija vykdyta nerūdijančio plieno talpose 20-22 dienas. Vynas 16-18 mėn. brandintas 500/600l prancūziško ąžuolo talpose.
Vynas kvepia vyšniomis, džiovintais pomidorais, slyvomis, vytinta mėsa, santalu, džiovintomis figomis, skrudintais migdolais, tabaku.
Vyno brandinimo potencialas - 20 metų.
Tiekti 16-18 ° C prie žvėrienos troškinių, jautienos kepsnių.
A modern Vino Nobile with dark chocolate and some plush spices. Aromas of plums, roasted red peppers, berries and pine cones follow through to a tight, medium- to full-bodied palate. This is firm and long. From organically grown grapes. Drink from 2025
An extraordinary Tuscan reality is the Poliziano farm, located in the medieval mountain town of Montepulciano, in the province of Siena, in southern Tuscany. The farm was founded in 1961. From 22 hectares of vineyards has grown to 120 hectares. The dynamic Federico Carletti, who took the helm of the farm in 1981. and currently runs a winery, combining tradition and modernity. After completing his wine studies in Piedmont, he did internships at various wineries and applied the experience gained to Poliziano. The name of the farm, Poliziano, is a tribute to the humanist poet Angelo Ambrogini, who was born in Montepulciano and was called Poliziano. All Polysiano wines reflect a long history. Born in the 80s, they retained the original labels. The wines are mainly made from Sangiovese grapes, best known in the area. Poliziano is now widely regarded as one of the great pioneers of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano.