

Rudi Rüttger Pinot Noir Pfalz 2022

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Red wine dry

Rudi Rüttger Pinot Noir Pfalz 2022



Vynas daromas iš keleto skirtingų vynuogynų, augančių kalkakmenio ir smiltainio dirvožemiuose. Po malolaktinės fermentacijos 10 % vyno palaikoma senose ąžuolo statinėse.

Prinokusių vyšnių, granatų, slyvų padažo, mėlynių, kakavos, pieniško šokolado aromatų. Gaivus, švelnių taninų.

Likutinis cukraus kiekis - 5g/l, rūgšties - 5,2 g/l.

Serving recommendations

Tiekti 14- 16 °C prie plėšytos antienos, tuno tartaro, perlinės vištos su daug česnako, vištienos ar kalakutienos dešrelių, rizoto su miško grybais, veršienos kepenėlių.

About brand

The family has been dedicated to winemaking since 1643. Rudolph Rüttger is the main responsible for the wines. Before joining the family business, he gained experience at home and abroad. After completing his studies at the HBLA Klosterneuburg, he developed some fresh ideas, influenced by jobs at wineries in Austria, New Zealand, and Germany. He now takes care of the works in cellar and vineyards with the help of his father Heinrich Rüttger, also his mother Theresa is often helping out. This is a family business: his siblings Heinrich and Katharina especially love to help out when there are winefest-times.

Rudi Rüttger

Rudi Rüttger

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