Red wine dry
Vynuogynų, kuriuose auga ‘Pinot Noir’ amžius - 25 metai. Šio vyno per metus pagaminama vos 1700 butelių. Vynmedžiai auginami taikant nesertifikuotus ekologinius metodus. Dirvožemio pagrindą sudaro smulkios aliuvinės upių nuosėdos, kuriose yra mažiau kalkakmenio. Po derliaus nuėmimo vynas maždaug 15 dienų fermentuojamas statinėse, o paskui perkeliamas į ąžuolo statines, kuriose brandinamas mažiausiai 12 mėnesių. Naudojama apie 20 % naujo ąžuolo, kuris suteikia vynui puikią struktūrą, bet neužgožia jo natūralių savybių. Vynas pasižymi intensyviu aviečių ir juodųjų vyšnių aromatu, atskleidžiančiu klasikinį ‘Pinot Noir‘ charakterį.
Patiekite 16-18 °C temperatūros su raudona mėsa, tunu, antiena spanguolių padaže.
François Mikulski’s father was Lieutenant Mieczyslaw Mikulski who escaped from occupied Poland in 1939, fleeing to England and joining the Resistance troops of the Free Polish Forces. There he met his future wife, a Burgundian woman working on an English army base, and moved to Brussels where François was born and raised. Luckily for us and the world of wine, François spent his formative summers in Burgundy, where he fell in love with the agrarian lifestyle and determined that he would one day make wine himself. He inherited his first plots of Meursault in 1992 from his late uncle, Pierre Boillot. Since that time, he has relentlessly pursued his authenticity, purity and elegance through acute attention to biological balance in the vineyard and terroir minded élevage practices in the cellar. After meticulous sorting in the vineyards the grapes are de-stemmed and lightly pressed. Natural yeasts are used in the fermentation after which the wines undergo an élevage 10-12 months. François typically restrains his new oak use to about 20%, believing that excessive wood masks full expression of the terroir.